Electrical vs. Mechanical Gauges

Interesting to hear that one, and I don't doubt you can make it last longer than nylon. There's some types of rubber that I suspect would hold up pretty well.

By that last line, do you mean that you coil the line into a springlike shape, like the loops in brake lines?

Yeah, the coil allows flex without straining the tubing.
The braided line is the way to go, but I've never had a problem with the nylon. The key is to route it where it can't be damaged. Mine is less than 3 feet long.
When the car comes apart and goes back together it will have a braided line. They are just too inexpensive not to use them.
I had one of my oil hoses for the filter relocation kit burst open on me a while back. Nothing but braided stuff now. At least mine didn't burst into flames!