Torque converter noise

Ok here the latest update, I followed rbdart suggestion (thanks by the way!)and transmission did take about 1 more quart of fluid I drove it and checked fluid level and it was fine. I took her on a 25 mile road test and listened carefully and have to say it is more of a buzz than a whine, it's hear all gears PRNDL when the engine rpm get above 1200 and the noise can be varied with throttle. It is loudest on decel or steady cruising, Trans. temp is showing 125 degrees. Noise doesn't seem to get worse hot or cold seem to stay the same. It drives great, shifts nice and firm, stall seems to be right on just has the noise. I think tomorrow night I'm going to pull the inspection plate and check TQ bolts to make sure they are all still tight. Anyway theres the latest and any help or suggestions are accpeted. Time for a high life !!!