Oil Leak At Valve Cover

Mr. Duster it was mentioned in an earlier post there is a adapter plate that the filter screws onto and it has a gasket behind it that can leak. Or at least there should be a gasket behind it. That gasket could be the culprit. Try removing the filter and right in the middle you'll see where the filter screws onto. That's actually a stud cause the other side goes through the adapter and screws into the block. There are 2 styles of them. One has a square hex in the middle that a 3/8 ratchet extension slips into to tighten or loosen it and there's another style that a large socket (about a 1" socket if I remember right) goes on to tighten it. First check to make sure it's good and tight. If it's loose it will leak. If it is tight it's probably the gasket behind the filter adapter that's bad and you'll have to take off the adapter and replace the gasket.