Early A fan Shroud

The more I look at the shroud on eBay, the less sure I am that it's the right one. Here's a couple of pics of the eBay shroud & some pics of a member's shroud. Not the same are they? If the round hole on the eBay shroud is 20" like he says, the shroud looks like it would be for a 26" radiator. Sounds from the description like it might be too wide.

The eBay shroud has flanges on either side where it might bolt to the core support or maybe radiator flanges. The early A Body shroud (2rd photo) is flat on the sides. The special mounting brackets have a little offset "clip" that is inserted into the rectangular skinny hole on the radiator flange and also bolted to the flange with a bolt/caged nut. The it's bolted to the caged nuts on the side of the shroud. Just ran down to the car and sort of mounted the bracket to the radiator/shroud (no bolt into the radiator flange)
