Potential sellers, please read this! (warning:Rant inside)

I was looking at Dusters/Demons/Darts for about a year. It's true everyone with a Slant 6 A-body thinks they have an original 1-of-16 Hemi car. That's Ebay and BJ for you. It's OK to make a buck on your stuff, but these days people seem to have this sense of entitlement like they're doing you a favor by selling you their car.

I bought my Dart off Ebay in Dec. The seller posted a link to a webpage with over 80 pictures on it, all clear and well composed which basically sold the car. There were some dings and dents but I could see them clearly and felt he was not hiding anything. Luckily I was correct and got a good deal. Never got in my car to drive anywhere but I don't think that's the norm. I've been burned a few times driving several hours one way to look at complete junkers some seller claimed was a great car.

Why not use the tools you have to sell your vehicle, it's so easy to do. And if you're not computer savvy get one of your kids to help out.