Potential sellers, please read this! (warning:Rant inside)

Hey Shadango
I contacted a guy that was 1500KMS from me because I seen an add and one picture for a car. The car was the same color as I had when I was young and was very interested in the car. I got the same song and dance about serious buyers and having a number of buyers, so I explained that I was very interested and was interested in making the trip if the car was in decent shape. He finally relented and sent me a number of pictures and I did make the trip and did purchase the car. I also know from selling some cars and parts you do get a lot of tire kickers, but people have to realize that many of those tire kickers are you buyers. My thoughts if you are not interested in sending pictures and information, you are not interested in selling the product very much.
Hang in there and enjoy this sight, many great people and lots of great experiences and information.
True, but as you said, those tire kickers might have been turned off by the lack of info or pics. the buyer has more to lose in most cases, so if you won;t answer questions or send pics, you're going to scare off the potential buyer. The way to fix that problem is to post all pics and details IN THE ORIGINAL AD. That way the buyer doesn;t have to go through the hassel of sending pics and answering questions from a bunch of "tire kickers."

For the record, I live in PA (north of Philly area) and have driven to Grand rapids Michigan for my Bee, North Carolina for my Dart and a set of fenders 3 hours across that state, Up to Boston for a bench seat for my Bee, 6 hours across state to Pittsburg for 68 Dart buckets, over to West Virginia for a 340 engine, and farthest of all, I drove out to Oaklahoma with my wife's uncle to pick up a car trailer he bought off Ebay. I am ALWAYS willing to drive for a good deal, as long as I know what I find when I get there. I also had a Duster shipped to me from Texas. So, prospective sellers - never underestimate the will and determination of a rabid MOPAR lover and his ability to make a deal work. :toothy10: We're crazy about our cars!!