March Indy Cylinder Head Swapmeet

never too soon to plan

14th Annual Chrysler Performance Trade Show and Swap Meet
March 7-8, 2009 at the Indiana State Fairgrounds​
Enjoy the warmth and comfort of the world's largest all indoor Chrysler Trade Show and Swap Meet. Spend hours mingling with the who's who of the Chrysler realm, while looking through 150,000 sq. ft. of Chrysler parts, cars and memorabilia.
Have a tech question? No problem. Along with a full house of display parts, all of the industry's finest will be on hand to field any questions that you might have about your Chrysler engine build, restoration, chassis set up of transmission. If you have a Chrysler question the answer lies here!
We are sorry to inform you, that the parts auction for 2009 has been canceled.
Show hours are Saturday 9-5 and Sunday 9-3. Admission is $10.00 for 1 day or $15.00 for both.

I have signed up to work the door one day, will be in the Indy Mopar Club booth on Sunday and plan on having my Dart there on display


My Dart.jpg