Heres a vid of something unseen

Hey man, your Vega sounds great, and hey, if you enjoy it thats all that counts. It looks like you've put a lot of work into it too, good job. Honestly mopars come first for me, but I have always wanted to own a 66 GTO, so hey, we all have something else that we're into.

Way to wear a kansas city jersey to a niners game pal. Dont do it again and expect a warm welcome! If we wanted to learn about chevroletsnots we would most certianly be on a chevy forum wouldnt we? All I am asking is WHAT WHERE YOU THINKING. Not even remotely close to anything we care about here. Please just knock it off.

As for you. You haven't been here very long either. Look at your join date. Jan 09. Same as this other guy. I'm not trying to start a battle here, but honestly, knock it off. The only posts I've seen from you have been negative, knocking someone for what they own, or just general crap. I haven't once seen you post anything helpful or positive. Take that negative junk elsewhere.