Heres a vid of something unseen

Hey man, your Vega sounds great, and hey, if you enjoy it thats all that counts. It looks like you've put a lot of work into it too, good job. Honestly mopars come first for me, but I have always wanted to own a 66 GTO, so hey, we all have something else that we're into.

As for you. You haven't been here very long either. Look at your join date. Jan 09. Same as this other guy. I'm not trying to start a battle here, but honestly, knock it off. The only posts I've seen from you have been negative, knocking someone for what they own, or just general crap. I haven't once seen you post anything helpful or positive. Take that negative junk elsewhere.

I have posted tons of stuff about my car and my project I am working on with it right now. It doesn't get half the attention though for some reason. I have caught a lot of flack for some of my Zaney ideas and just tried to defend my honor. I see know how tacky that can look and promise to knock off the "whining". I have Offered what I know. (Only about 273 Commando and /6s) I have asked for what I want. a Road hugging set-up for the Cali mountians and all that is undermined by my lame attitude sometimes. You are right I am as green as they come around here and still have plenty of learning to do. For that I have come to the right place I know. I feel like an *** but that is ok I am young and will forget about it one day... I signed up here for advice on my car, which is so rare that it is hard to get what I need anywhere... Including here. Oh well I am putting my nose to the grindstone now. Forgive me or not I will try harder to behave...