The wife posed for some pics today

It does get hot. I don't think there is a perfect spot. Wherever you are it seems it is going to suck for 2-3 months. Either because its hot, cold, humid, Hurricanes, the snow is thawing, its raining forever etc.
I am getting kind of tired of everything being brown all year.

I'll bet it is beautiful there in the spring and summers though.

Yup, spring and fall are great. Summer isn't to bad, but it does get up to 100 F here once in a while. There are days that I hide in the basement all day because it's to hot outside. But those days make for perfect nights for sitting outside and tossing back a few cold ones. hehe

To all of you guy's that made comments about my wife. You are making it awful hard to live with her, it's going to her head. LOL Just kidding, she is a keeper.
