whats this "340 car" worth?

tell ya the truth the trunk pics don't show too much of it. the wires are easy to move out of the way from being sprayed. i see the tunk latch is painted. thats only got two bolts holding it on. guess that took too much time to take off?

the wiring is a mess in both pictures you have there. i would be affraid to look under the dash and see what was butchered under there.

you have plenty of opinions saying that its not worth the money and to offer less. but you keep rationalizing the price.

go look at the car in person. personally the pictures are horrible to really judge what kind of shape everything is in.

i always have a hard time buying the i bought the car to help a buddy story. i would be very leary of who built the motor, who installed it ,and all of the body and paint work. does the guy have any pics of it before he painted it?

not trying to bash the car but you wanted opinions and i'm being as honest as i can. pointing out things that would throw up red flags if i was looking to buy myself.

Thanks...again, great points.

I am not debating the points you guys have made....the red flags you mention are exactly what I am looking for.

Understand that so far the only thing I have found in the $2500 range are rsuted pieces of junk....so suggesting 2500 for THIS car is a shocker since it would appear much better even if the pictures are bad....

But like you said, only way to know with pics like this is to go in person and see.

If nothing else, I will learn more of what to look for.

Y'all's feedback is very much appreciated...please understand I am not arguing....just talking through the stuff in my head, online. LOL