Need Head Help?

youve just named my number one pet peeve . customers who say they have(machine shops too) magnafluxed (crack checked) heads only for me to find them (cracks)after porting for 20 hours or so. who gets to pay for that? me thats who! its bs! not a big deal if fixable but most are not. problem is that most cast or aluminum heads that have been used get fatiqued from heating and cooling. so if your going magnum i suggest iron ram heads ,you can get them at hughes engines bare for around 600 pair there beefy have lots of room for porting. flow great out of the box. smoke r/t heads on the flow bench, somewhat cheap. and did i mention there new? no cracks ,come in either bolt pattern magnum or standard la. hoooooraaahh

This is why I ALWAYS magnaflux anything old before using it or, as you mentioned, have work done on it. I 100% agree with you that it's not fair if I were to tell you to port my heads without checking them and make you eat the cost because me the customer was too stupid to realize that things crack and break. If I were you I'd put it in a contract that if a customer has you work on a head that hasn't been checked and turns out cracked the customer pays at least 50% of the bill. I may look into Hughes' heads once I find a job again. What do you feel would perform best ?? X heads or magnums? I like the small combustion chamber, flow, and 1.6 rockers of the magnum but I know the X heads have a lot of potential, I just refuse to pay the money they want for 1.6 rockers for LA style heads. Any advice from anyone is appreciated.