yukon axle question

Mullinax, this could be the answer to your question as to why you had to trim your axles:

A Chrysler 8-3/4" Rear Axle Guide, Part II
Author: Doug Ahern
Section 1: Thrust Block Variations

There was a difference in thrust blocks prior to 1964 that make center section interchange, as well as axle interchange problematic. The thrust block, or "axle shaft thrust spacer", it thr block that both left and right axles butt up against inside the center of the differential. Prior to 1964, all open differentials used a thrust block was approximately 1/8" to 1/4" thicker than units made after 1964. The Sure Grip thrust block prior to 1964, however, was indentical to all 1964 and later Sure Grips and open differentials. In 1964, the thrust block width was changed to match the Sure Grip thrust block width.


P.S. There is no adjustment needed when running the green bearings. They press on and stay put. When they wear out, ya just press them off and press the new ones on.