Concealed Carry Weapon

LOL! No kid at 43 and have been shooting since I was 10. My Dad was a Marine and made beachheads at Okinawa, Bouganville and one more that escapes me at this moment. He survived all this to have ten children of which I am the last. quote]

Could it be Pelileu?
One of the most intense, yet forgotten battles of the war.

Yes, I do remember and it was Guam. It could have been Tarawa and thank God it was not or I would not be here.....

Edit: He made it for a reason, then he died of prostate cancer in '96....... He was not fullfilled when he died, he was mad as hell..... and took it out on me. Long story. He still left me the the Japanese Ararisaka 7.7mm rifle he captured. How do I know he captured it? I have pictures and the rifle, with the Imperial Sun on the bolt.

Also, I do remember him speaking of the Chinese and how well he was treated after the war. He just wanted to go home....... But he was appointed as the "Chinese Honor Guard" after all the crap he went through. Many people don't know that the Japanese were as bad as the Nazis in regards to torture....