Fricken cops!!

I feel bad for you and your wife but I wonder if many of the comments would be the same if they were lawyers, firemen or politicians? I know some stand up guys who are "cops" and they all get painted with the same brush every time one does something stupid. I'm not suggesting these guys were not jerks as I only have a small part of the story and will reserve judgement with limited facts. I do know there are good and bad people in every profession including the hospitality industry. However I'm always taken back at how fast we all like to play armchair quarter back and point fingers at those who do a job many of us wouldn't want nore have the stones for. If they were abusing their power they should certainly be held to account. However I'm sure glad I don't have every member of the public telling me how to build a better house all day. I do hope your wife gets her job back but lets not paint everyone with the same brush. The "cops" I know are great guys and lay it on the line nightly while the rest of us are oblivious as to what's out there while we are safely tucked into our beds. It seems to me to be a nasty job. No matter what they do someone doesn't like it. If you arrest someone they are the F'n Cops is someone commits a crime its where were the F'n Cops. They have a job I wouldn't want but have been happy to have them show up when I really needed them. I can't remember saying that about most professions.