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It comes to each person, eventually, the conclusion of laws. Laws are observations of conditions that either facilitate or impede specific outcomes. To say that nothing can be perfect is a paradox, for then the very law that nothing can be perfect must therefore be imperfect. However, if perfection is possible, than the statement that "perfection is possible" is an ideal law. It facilitates it's own meaning.

What is perfect is that which facilitates an ideal relating to life context. Evil is what impedes it. What is ideal is that which does everything it is intended to do and nothing it is not intended to do (in otherwords that which functions in perfect accordance to it's design).

And to dispell the myth about entropy (which is the next logical arguement). Entropy is not wasted energy, it is simply the overhead required for dialogue between systems.

As far as life having a point. Life is a perfect law also.

Does this answer the question? Boy this stuff is so simple guys, catch a clue.