Fricken cops!!

I was a beer driver in Akron OH for 17 years. The Co. I worked for had a "BETTER" relationship with the Cleveland local and decided to build a new building just outside of our locals jurisdiction. 62 men got thrown to the curb and were told to reapply as new hirees. The only thing you could keep was you vacation. I thought there is no way I'm going to start all over for the same co. I've been with for 17 years! I too was like your wife as far as caring about the customers. I new all my customers by name and they bought my kids presents when they were born and gave gifts to me at xmas etc. I also bought girl scout cookies and any fund raiser stuff they were selling also. So I know what she is going through. There is still some customers I still go see and it's been almost 5 years!
Now I work for a local government and I am way better off than I was! I'm not making as much but,my pension is better,more holidays off,bennys are good and,I'm not working near as hard. That job was starting to take it's toll on my body. We eventually got a severance out of them thanks to the Akron union we were in and things worked out OK. The point I'm trying to make is that it may seem like it is devastating now but,she might end up better off and happier due to what happened.
My wife was on the verge of a nervous breakdown so I bought her a lap dog during all of this.A wire hair mini daschsund. I'm not saying you shouln't try to barbeque there balls. I'm just trying to let you Know you will be fine and they won't.