Fricken cops!!

First I feel badly for your wife,I have worked in customer service and thats probaly why i feel alot of people need to slow down in life and learn some courtesy.I hope she come out of this well and I really hope she opens the publics eyes in the process.On the whole hate cop deal,people are correct for saying there are alot of good cops,I know a few,but the problem comes in when you try to compare them to other people or professions because they are not the same.Other people are not highly visible public figures with the authority to pull you over,ticket you,harass you or demand to be treated better at a restraunt because they are police officers therefore their actions and conduct stand out alot more than the average guy.When officers behave badly the consequenses are much more noticed because they are held to a higher standard as a servant of the community,I think alot of todays officers have forgotten the term public employee or to serve and protect with the emphasis on serve.I have been at the mercy of a bad ones and let me tell you nothing will piss a guy off faster than being in the right and being told too bad,prove it by some arrogant police officer.By an overwhelming majority I have had more good experineces than bad but the bad ones really stand out,and just as manners are a thing of the past with alot of the public I think alot of the cops today dont have them as well.