Fricken cops!!

What the hell is that? You don't even know me or my wife and you want to pass judgement on my wife? The comment about kicking in his teeth was how I "felt" not what I was going to do you idiot. I sure hope your wife doesn't need your support some day:(
For my friends here I had the story wrong. She had to set up the meeting with the owner today. That is in the works. I found out that her manager was fired once for sexual harassment and recently rehired. I guess this guy is also in the habit of giving all the women that come in and meets his criteria as "hot" a discount on their food(not supposed to) also lets all the cute girls that work there come in on their days off and eat for free(not supposed to) I guess my wife wants to open up the owners eyes to alot of things going on that should not be. The owner is the owner of all 6 stores here in Alb.