Fricken cops!!

My post that you referred to here was in response to this post:
Originally Posted by scrowe
I think this battle is fought in the court of public opinion. Chances are, she will get her job back. Our society is too litigous, though. Not sure a lawsuit is the first step. Remember when the old lady sued McDonald's and won a mill or two because some kid didn't put the lid on the coffee correctly?

Did you even read the friggin' article????
McDonalds had over 700 reports of coffee burns ranging from mild to third degree, and had settled claims arising from scalding injuries for more than $500,000.

What the jury didn't realize initially was the severity of her burns. Told during the trial of Mrs. Liebeck's seven days in the hospital and her skin grafts, and shown gruesome photographs, jurors began taking the matter more seriously. "It made me come home and tell my wife and daughters don't drink coffee in the car, at least not hot," says juror Jack Elliott.
In fact, she said, she never would have filed this one if McDonald's hadn't dismissed her requests for compensation for pain and medical bills with an offer of $800.

Of course you didn't get to see the pictures of the 3rd degree burns that covered about two square feet of skin or pictures of the skin grafts and you of course don't give a damn about some poor old lady who was hurt like this.:thebirdm:
McDonalds is a scum sucking leach (among many) of a company that does not give a damn about us, just our money.
I am not into sueing people and neither was this woman....until she got screwed around by a bunch of eletist asswipes that work for McDonalds. The fact is, they assumed they would win.
You do realize that these large companies employ actuaries that do the math on liability issues, right? These people's entire job is to determine whether a dangerous product that can hurt people is worth changing to a safer product.....the stipulation is the dollar value, PERIOD!
Let me make it clear, if the company thinks they will net more money while injuring people and paying them off than they would if the product did not injure people...they will go on injuring people.
Ford and Firestone are a great example of this.
So, Shadango :thebirdm:! I wonder if your opinion would be different if it was your Grandma!!!

LOL My grandmas (as well as grandpas, aunt, uncles) have had a cup of hot coffee in teh car many many many times and managed to "somehow" never dump it on themselves.

That said, yes it is possible it could happen.

Do I feel bad that the lady hurt herself with the coffee (key words -- hurt HERSELF)? Sure....

Do I want McDonalds to start serving cold coffee because some old lady cant drink coffee in the car without dumping it her crotch? Heck no.

What made the woman think that McDonalds should be responsible for her injuries which resulted in HER making the mistake of spilling it on herself?? THAT was the key to the original post you resonded to....We live in a society where everything is ALWAYS "someone" else's fault. And that seems to be fine as long as its "deep corporate pockets" paying for it.

Look..sometimes bad things happen to good people.

Its not right to put a dollar figure on soemthing like this.

The lady ordered HOT COFFEE.

She dumped it on herself.



My grandma would never sue for something like family doesnt believe in suing someone just because the law says you can....:read2:

What if this were a mom-and-pop restaurant?

Would you feel the same about this lady collecting from them then? What if YOUR GRANDMA owned the restaurant and this lawsuit could put her out of business and take her life savings (since she has nothing in the way of liability insurance to cover stuff like this).....

Would you be as apt to say "Hang the restauraunt owners on high" like you are for McDOnalds?

Dont answer that....its will say "yes" here but put you in that situation for real and I betcha I know the REAL answer.....
'Nuf said on that.