Fricken cops!!

My wife got a call from the officer's supervisor today and it was mostly a courtesy call to let her know he was sorry she lost her job due to one of his officers actions. He did not appolize for his officer's actions not once. My wife asked him when did it become police procedure to walk in and sit yourself without asking and he had no answer. The really funny part is that The supervisor eats at IHOP also and my wife has waited on him too with no complaints.

The supervisor also sits himself without asking. (My wife told me this)I guess the routine is taught at training.

If he called saying that, he is basically admitting he knows they did wrong.

If the supervisor felt his officers were simply responding to your wife being a ...well, less than nice person.....then why woudl he call about it at all?

He knows they did wrong and is trying to prevent a PR problem.

Seems to me he KNOWS they were wrong, that they CAUSED her to lose her job.....I would have said "Well, if you really feel bad about it, how about setting my wife up with a job at the precinct?"

Give your wife a hug and tell her that it will be OK. (Sure you did already).

If your wife is like mine, she is too good-hearted to persue this and I cant blame her.

Me, I'd be all over it.

Its too bad that the jerks in this world can screw over honest people. Cops or no cops, these two guys (and the cheif IMHO) are jerks who hide behind their badges. Makes the good cops look bad.