How did you get her involved in cars?

I understand where ya at JR. What you need to do is relax like no tomorrow nd let her make every mistake. When you get up to redo it, be calm without so much as a twitch in the lip and show her like a kind old man school teacher, calm voice and all.

IF you can not do this, she'll never join you in anything you like to do after she has had enuff of your angry bull **** over the car.

Shoe on the other foot my freind, shoe on the other foot.

How would you like to be treated by a overzelous ***?

I let my wife do some remodeling as well. Now, she does toilet bowls and other plumbing.
I let her do the trim work in the bathroom. I gave her a copeing saw and showed her how it works. LOL YEP! you know it, she fucked up lots of fotage in trim. I just looked up and smiled. Told her I'd finish it later, and did. Not a word, just a smile and reassurance that it was OK. She did more than most, tried, failed, tried again, failed, tried a 3rd time and failed again.

The next day, I showed her how to use the saw and why, where and what went wrong. Now, I no longer do trim in the house.

There was a time where you learned and screwed everything up, now, it's her turn except, your there to show her and coorect her while showing her the best possible way it should turn out.

P.S. Me and my wife build engines togther. She's good.