New guy from sweden.

Hm, dont now why the link is broken. Try go to youtube and seach for - Barnens Ö stockholms raggare -. Compy and paste, i bet no one here has the letter Ö on their keybord.

In WWII sweden was neutral, but norway was invaded by germany in 1940. My Grandfather was stationed along the swedish/norway border and they had order to shoot at anyting, norwegian and german, who tried to get in to sweden. And they did shoot alot in over the border, but in old records it says that not a single shoot was fired by swedish troops. We also shoot down alot of airplanes that trided to cross sweden in bombraids. Sad to say, there were some allied palnes who went down in flames... But also alot of brittish staioned americans landed and sat out the war as prisoners here. As thansk a thanks from US goverments, we were given all the captured airplanes. So after the war, swedish airforce was 60% captured B17, Mosquitos, Mustangs, etc.