Ok...another whats it worth, but an E body

I saw this car on Ebay been there months now..... so why hasn't it sold??? I told my son to drive up and check it out so If he does I'll give you the report...
Don't get carried away with price !!! It costs way too much to fix them up. Your better buying one closer done... Add $4000. to that and you'll notice your options open up... and its SO EASY to get a quick 4k in a car... Not to mention time... And it would be nice to drive it THIS YEAR....
Just my opinion...

I guess yours son lives close to that location?

Thanks....I would appreciate your help and his/your advice if he goes up....

That one thing about the web that kind of bites.....now, you can see 100s of cars available.....but most of them are usually a long distance away.....if you followed up on each one and went to see them all, you could dump thousands into travel alone...LOL

I know you are right about the extra $4k and driving this year.....just hoping to spend less.....but maybe I do need to open up my limits a bit......although even at $10k ebodies are about impossible to find (at least around here, from what I have seen).

The Duster I linked to is a driver (he says)......actually, so is the Challenger aside from the brakes issue....