ahh crap

Most of the time when you say "meet me at the track and we'll see whos faster" the other guy will puss out. They are big and tough on the street but when they get to the track they will get all overwhelmed and scared cause theres more real gearheads there than S&!t talking tough guys.
I dont really have any room to talk tho, I got in alot of trouble with a 73 camaro that had a 66 327 that was bored 90 over (that motor didnt last long with a 4 speed and a teenager in it).

My daily driver is a 73 scamp with 3 inch sidepipes a 360 and one hell of a rake to it (ss prings and air shocks) take that and throw a 27 year old in it and you have every import and late 70's camaro trying to race. Just look at them and start laughing at them and their car, shake your head, rev the hell out of your motor, and as soon as the stoplight turns green watch them take off like a bat outta hell, and draw the attention of every cop in a 5 block radius, then you can just drive by at the speed limit and wave at them as they sighn their name on the "yes I would like my insurance to go through the roof" form.

Take it to the track, Its more fun, you will meet some great gearheads, learn stuff, oh an not get busted by the cops or kill someone.