How about a slot for us orphans on the forum?

This is an excellent site for technical discussions and preformance oriented A-Boy owners. How about the poor slobs like me who have on of the red-headed-step children of the A body world. I've got a toad. One of those ugly little early Vals or Lancers that got this car line started. How about a spot for us here. Maybe you could call it Toad Terrace, or Lancer Lounge, or to borrow from a childrens book, Toad Hall. There are some of us who are looking for help in just keeping the old girls running and on the road for the sheer fun of the car. We don't need to turn 12s or 13s in the 1/4mile or win Best in show we just want to have someone see our ride and come and ask What the h--- is that thing? What do you think; Is there room for a slot like that on this forum? :wav: