Our latest winter blast

Yup, Old Man Winter has struck again. This time we got 18 or 19 inch's of the crap and it is still snowing. I shoveled for 9 hours today and only got half of my driveway cleared. My driveway is 400 feet long. The snowbanks are about 20 feet thick and 7 feet high now. My plow truck is down for tranny repairs. I have to get it right this time. This reminds me of when I rolled my first Demon back when I was 19 years old, every part of my body is aching. I'll see if I can get a pic or 2 tomorrow. That is, if I survive the night. LOL


Dude, get a snowblower. Aside from making the job MUCH easier, it's also quite fun if you're the tinkerer/mechanically-oriented type like me. I have to ask, why would you NOT have one in a place that can get that much snow at one time? Hell, you should get a riding mower with a snow-plow on the front.