Heater Hose Clamp Problem

I bought a repro clamp kit from Quicksilver Classics (or is it Diecast?) on eBay, and all the clamps helt tight as a drum except the bypass hose clamps. I thought it was a little loose when I put them on but didn't give it a second thought....until the bypass hose blew off the water pump about 6 miles from home one Sunday morning. I since removed those 2 clamps, and used regular worm drive clamps until I figure out a solution.
Now you say your buddy has the same issue with the heater hose clamps. I wonder if manufacturing tolerances are a little too "lax" in the spring department.
I did notice that the repro clamps are easily bent out of shape if you're not careful, and I never saw spring steel do that, so I assume they're made from stainless steel.
I think I'm going to try what Adam suggested and bend the clamps closed a little more and see how the fit is.
