Por-15 ? ? ?

Hey Angelo, the "UV" is Ultra Voilet" light that is in sunlight that damgaes skin and will cause cancer. It's used in a verity of applications to cure items, like teeth fillings, pain, powercoat, etc......

The POR-15 has a few of there products that are not sensitive to it and need no top coat. Some of there paints need top coat, which is a protecterant that stops or slows the UV damge.

I used POR-15 on my cars floor when I took out the carpet to clean up what I knew was going to be rusty. It did indeed seal up pin holes. Dried nice and level and glossy. They say you can hit it with a hammer when dried. Well, I'm that guy that has to test these things and I found it to be rock hard and withstood repeated blows with my baby sledge hammer in my attempts to damage it.