Bad Restoration Project

Chris, solely in my opinion, there are a couple ways to address this.

If the company / person is a member here, it's probably best to try to work out the dispute with it / him / her directly and give them every opportunity to make it right before a public bashing. You can't "un-ring the bell," so to speak. Look at it like you would the evening news -- someone is accused of doing something bad ... time goes on, the trial concludes, and that person is found not guilty. Just the stigma of the trial itself was enough to leave a bad taste in the public's mouth, and that person has to deal with credibility issues until the end of time.

On the other hand, you could also outline all the details of your bad experience here in a public forum for everyone to read so they can enjoy the benefits of your experience and learn from your misfortune.

It's pretty much your call. Best of luck getting things worked out in your favor.