Bad Restoration Project

Been gone for a couple of days, but I want to resolve the dilemma. I do not want FABO members getting the shaft like I did and I don't want to be vindictive at all, but its amazing what company's get away with these days.

Well I've tried to reason with this guy nicely several times and he tells me no problem he'll take care of it. The problem is that I'm located in Nor-Cal and I shipped my parts to this guy in Michigan for the restoration. Everything has been done on line for the most part. I've only had communication twice on the phone since last year in January when the restoration started. Tried to reach by phone time and time again, but the usual answer machine with no return call backs. Then go online send a message or two and get a answer a couple days later. He talks the talk, but what do you do with someone that far away. If he was local I'm sure this would of been handle just a little different. If you no what I mean.

Found his advertisement in Mopar Collectors Guide, not sure if this company is a member of FABO ( sure hope not ). I think I will indicate to him that I belong to a very large community of Mopar Friends and that I would share my experience with his company. See what happens. I don't think he will even care. Give it a shot for the last time.

Its not personal at all and when I tell you all what this guy is all about you will just scratch your head. To me its about honesty, integrity, quality. Seems like a few things that have been missing in our country lately. Needs to stop.

Get back soon let you all know what happens.
