Just Got Layed Off

man I'm sorry to that. But I know what you mean. My wife had a car wreck Sept 2007. The insurance still has not settled with us. We went 12 months with no pay check from her and makes a lot more than me. Our credit is in the toilet. She is back working now. I will pray that you get another job soon, and you can weather the storm.

Thanks duckbuster! A storm it is, but I feel that God does not close a door without opening another. I am a God fearing man, no doubt, but I am sure that if I do it right, he will show me the way. I don't believe in pre-destiny, and that it is up to the individual to make the best of whatever situation is thrown their way, but if that person tries to live according to the real law, the "Ten Commandments", that He will help.

I'm sorry to hear of your wife's wreck and I hope to Goodness that she is recovering well. Nothing can take the place of a persons heath and well-being. Thank you for your prayers and my prayers are off for your wife as well. :)

Sorry to hear about your job loss Joe. Sometimes things just happen for the best, although that would be difficult to see right now, but down the road, who knows? Maybe head of IT somewhere? Or, as you said, your own business? Good luck.

Thanks Vart! Everything happens for a reason, I just got to get past today and start kickin' some butt and showing that I can "Take Care of Busness" for whatever company hires me next.

No sweat Ramcharger, I do have a 3 car garage and a 4 car driveway, even though the third spot in the garage isnt long enough for anything thanks to the stairs, hey, theres a project.

Does that poop in the hole method really work??

The poop in the hole works every time and I heard it from Mullinax first. Try it and please give him the credit. :)

Shoot, I'll fix the stairs and anything else that needs fixing. I can also do electrical!

I am also a systems engineer for Decision one. Decision one was hiring in many cities check their web site to see if they have any thing for you in yours. Decision One is a sub for IBM and Sun as well as many other computer vendors and service companies. I know that they hired 12 people in different cities in the last two weeks. The ad usually says SUN Micro engineer but they really need HP server people. Just remeber where ever you go their is still no safe place in IT right now. Good Luck

Thanks Caxey, I'll look into it!

Sorry to hear that ramcharger. Don't know what they do, but a company moved in next door to my work by the name of Amergent in Colorado Springs. Quick google turned up this
Amergent | Home
Servicing non-profit database management and direct response fundraising needs.
www.amergent.com/ - 19k - Cached - Similar pages

They have hired a bunch of peoples lately so you might want to research them and see what they are all about. I bought one of those digital converters and have no cable. If I get laid off, I won't have anything left to cut.

Done Deal! Thanks for the info!:cheers: