I want to quit smoking

I quit smoking a stage at a time. It worked well for me and I haven't smoked for 15 years. I was smoking all the time, work, school, driving, at home. I quit in stages. At first I stopped smoking in my car, it wasn't that hard to do and my car smelled better and didn't get as dirty so there was some positive reinforcement. Of course as soon as I got to work or some other location I had a smoke but I got used to not smoking in my car after a couple of months. The next step for me was work at first I only smoked at lunch and not at breaks. It didn't take very long before I completely stopped smoking at work too. I was still smoking at home but I made myself go outside to smoke, well winter came and I wasn't thrilled about smoking in the cold so it was easy to cut back and almost stop. I got to the point that I was only smoking with friends in a social setting. Ya a smoke and a beer is so so good. But by now I was only smoking socially and it was easy to give up.
I was never able to quit cold turkey be it was easy to quit in stages. Good luck