Chrysler wants more money,or pulling out of Canada

26% raise, good one :laughing: I work for the provincial government and 26% is about 20 years worth of raises, our contract is coming up in a year and we'll be getting zero, zero and zero over three years and probably loose some of the things we have. We've had many of those 0,0 and 0 contracts, a good one is 2,2 and 2. There's already talk of cutting our hours by 20%. Now the boys at the top, Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Premier, they just vote themselves whatever they want but that bears no resembalnce to the rest of us. I try not to believe everything I read or hear, for instance you're paid $20 an hour more than the Honda guys or you make $90 an hr with benefits, the first is more believable than the second but I really don't know.

I agree. $34 dollars an hour base rate with one of the the best benefit packages going? I know a lot of very well educated people and skilled tradesmen that don't do that well. I don't know too many government employees that bring home that salary. Our soldiers are sleeping in dirt holes and coming home in body bags from Afghanistan for half those wages. Labour rates are one reason the big three are failing. Greedy executives are another. The biggest reason is the Japanese build a better product and don't have unions to deal with. I also agree the Chrysler is not the same company it was 40 years ago the quality and value is not there. We could throw endless amounts of money at the big three, if no one is buying their cars we may as well burn it. The population of Canada is 33,213,000 and Harper has been bullied by the left wing into spending $38,000,000,000 on an economic stimulus package. Thats $1144 per Canadian and amounts to $4576 for my family of four. I'm not willing to take on a $4576 debt for any poorly managed company. We will always need transportation so let them sink! One of the better managed auto builders will buy the plants and start building cars again. Remember it was the big three that forced Studebaker, Packard and many other good car companies out of business with cut throat business tactics. They will find sympathy in the dictionary between sh*t and syphilis in my house.

Fire away I know I got a few of you mad but I'm up for a logical rebuttal.