I want to quit smoking

I'm busy but never too busy to help someone that is truly WANTING something good for he and his family. That's the key word. Either you want to quit and will win and realize the fruits of your labor or you are NOT sincere and are bullshitting everyone on this board and you will be one pushing up daisys long before your time causing much grief and morning among your beloved family. I'm assuming there are those close to you that you love? WOW did i say that? I guess i did. Yep, right there in black and white. I know where you're coming from and i'm here to help you make it happen and i will give all of you the course that my habit took me down. I started smoking at an age of about 18. Man that was cool (Lie #1, STUPID). It kinda made me feel more laid back and took the edge off of maybe a hectic day or situation(Lie #2, It dulled my sences). It opened up my lungs so i could breath deeper(Lie # 3, It numed the lungs so i couldn't feel the damage that i was doing to myself and those around me). Ever notice when someone gets up in the morning how they will cough and grab that cigarette so they can get those lungs opened up? Very temporary fix might i say. I smoked when i got married and as time went on i stopped my smoking in the house and car at the request of the lady that loves me. In no way did i want to harm her even in an indirect way so i complied. I continued to smoke in my truck when i was by myself and outside and as the years went by i would throw whole packs of smokes out the wind wing of the truck because i had a bad cough and knew they were killing me only to stop at the next mini mart and buy another pack. This habit is bad and developes a very strong hold on ones life that is very difficult to conquer. It will eventually kill you but ONLY if YOU let it. Time went by and the Nicoret gum hit the market and i chewed my share but to no avail. The patches came out and yep, i tried them with some success but the i ran out and started again. Many obstacles would rear their ugly head and cause a failure in my effort to beat em. I would quit for a few days and as the mood would revolve around being crotchity to the family, the wife would tell me to go smoke a cigarette and i would. Things would heal over but i was still killing myself, then one day i didn't have a smoke all day and when i got home i sat down with my 10 yr old son and i told him that dad had gone all day without one and he came unglued and ran through the house tellin his sister and his mom. I thought to myself "Someone cares". I went another day and upon telling Billy the good news he had the same reaction. This went on for a week and i was getting a great fealing of seeing his reaction as i knew he loved me very much and really did care about having me around to grow up with. He was 10 then and now he is 24 so that's how long it it has been for a very good reason i might add. You probably have family that are very close and would get just as excited about having you around as my son did me. My suggestion is this. Gather the family around and let em know that you haven't smoke for X amount of time simple because you love them and want the best for em now and far into the future and let em know that if they will get excited with you and if they truly love you they will help you make this happen. This will be a reward that everyone can reap the benefits of. Now if you're not truly into it don't call em together and lie to em. LOVE is stonger than those damn cigarettes. I'm with ya buddy and in your corner. The battle is over. You have one FABO member that loves ya in a good kinda way. I'm excited enough to show my sincerity. Let the family read this and the financial benefits haven't been mentioned. With the savings take em all on an outing to be together with those that truly love ya. Take the money that you spend on a pack of smokes and change it into dimes, nickels , or quarters and have a jug setting in the corner and let the kids put it in and when full make a family trip to the bank and hit the coin counter. The kids will get a kick out of this. I do and i'm 57. Hope i have helped more than one here. Duckbuster, look at the avatar on post #23. Consider someone kissing you. You wouldn't ask them to lick an ashtray now would you?
Small Block