Garage Decision Time-Help......

Well you have basically covered the definition of the term "catch 22". Keep everything as is and then not be able to build. Sell off to build and then theres nothing to take inside. Here is what I would do. Its not going to be fast or easy but it might just give you a little better insight on what is best for you. Sit down and make a COMPLETE inventory of everything you have and attach an honest (if not low ball) value to everything. Then take that list and break it down. Make a column for items that you will not part with. Next column, things that you would really like to keep but might be willing to sell. Next column, things that you are 50/50 on. Next column, things that you know are just taking up space and should go. Now start with the last column adding up the potential cash you could come up with and then proceed adding up the rest from the last 1 back to the first. Now you will see in $ amounts how far you are going to have to get into selling stuff that you want to keep in order to get the new garage built. Might not give you a definite answer but it will sure show you what your real priorities are and should help a lot. Good luck!