Too much cam?

1300 rpm is not an idle any more. Cant tell much from the pics except they look blurry The power valve vacuum reading is taken when the car is in gear. What does it go to when you have it idled down under 800 in gear?

Darned digital cameras...I'll get new pics if I can find film for my Instamatic and some flash cubes. I thought I had the jetting and idle mixture setup pretty well with the way the plugs look.

I'm not sure what springs are in the distributor. FBO curved it based on the info I gave him. I DID tell him I would be going to a 2400'ish stall converter, which I haven't yet.

The vacuum advance hose is connected to the upper port on the carb. I've tried both ports along with the vacuum advance disconnected and same results.

I'll pull the distributor and see if everything moves freely--along with checking the total mechanical timing....after I go take my daughter to pick up a pig.