I want to quit smoking

Nice Monte dirt tracker Mike! I used to race a '79 and had a '75 before that on pavement.

I started smoking when I was 13 and smoked until I was almost 40. Quitting is easy; I did it hundreds of times. :angry7: Staying quit is hard. One time I quit for almost 2 years, but my ex still smoked. She went in for surgery one day (3rd one in about 3 months; she's had a kidney transplant long ago) and I lit one of hers "just to get me through". Within 2 weeks I was back to 2 packs a day.

I quit over 10 years ago. I used to wake up and light up before I got out of bed. One morning, I decided to see if I could make it until after my shower before I had that first cigarette. I did, and then decided to make it to work before I lit up. In the end, I never lit that smoke, and I cannot be happier. In '05 my new wife and I (I was 45) did a 538 mile BICYCLE race NON-STOP over 5 mountain passes, with a total elevation gain of almost 40,000 feet! We finished in less than 38 1/2 hours, bettering our goal of 40 hours.

I used Hot Tamale candies as my 'crutch'. When the craving got bad, I ate candies. The cinnamon helps. Yes, I put on weight, but it's worth it, and I lost the weight later. Now days I cannot stand the smell, and feel bad when I realize how bad I must have smelled back then.

You go guys, you WILL feel better, you will live longer, food will taste better. You'll be able to walk and play with your kids/grandbabies/great-grandkids without wheezing. One of my favorite memories is of my 16 year old son passing me in a bicycle race at Portland Internatioal Raceway, bumping my shoulder as he sprinted past to the finish. He got 3rd & I got 10th; I can't tell you how proud I was of him that day, and how proud I was of myself.
