I want to quit smoking

Keep up the good work guys. I never gained a pound when i quit but i'm a VERY active person that goes about 4 ft off the ground all the time. I have hands that work for me that smoke. They don't in my truck but when they climb in MAN, what a stench. It about makes me want to gag. How can a woman slide up next to something that smells like that and give it a kiss? Like i said earlier, you wouldn't expect her to kiss an ashtray now would you? Another great reason to quit. Did i mention "Very Glamorous" "Chick" "Hip" "STUPID". If you take a car and run it into a tree at 80 MPH you have accomplished the same thing as you smoking. You just did it quicker. Are our minds working yet? If i didn't care about you guys i'd put my keyboard away.........but i'm not going to so fasten your seat belt. If ya can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. You guys are friends i haven't met yet and i care.