Dis is My Ride!!!

Keep the stories coming! I'm afraid that these people, cars and "behind the scenes" stories will fade from history if someone doesn't document them.

We do hear of their successes and triumphs, but seldom do we hear of stories of the men themselves, their loves, hates and rivalries that give us a glimpse of the men behind the legends.

I worked with a woman who's husband raced at Lions back in the day. She was there when Don Garlits was trashed by the announcer and presented as "Don Garbage" because he didn't have the slick paint job and new equipment that the California racers had. She said the look on Mrs. Garlits face was one of complete disgust and that she was almost in tears. :angry7:

As we all know, Don won that race! :cheers::cheers: Can you enlighten us in regards to this race and fill us in with more detail?