What was your first car?

My first car was pretty sad.

1980 Ford Granada.

Oh yeah. Very cool. Had a 200ci /6, paid $1300 or so for it. My heater core cracked once, started gushing coolant all over the core, which then steamed and boiled out of my dash. While driving it to the shop, my girlfriend behind me thought it was foggy that night. Then I turned a corner and she saw the fog was coming from my cabin, and I was driving sitting in the windowsill. $600 and fried piston rings later...

Three months after, the timing chain snapped, the timing gear got stripped, and the car got dumped on a friday. On that saturday I bought a 98 Plymouth Neon 5spd SOHC, learned to drive a stick in 2 hours on sunday, drove it to work monday night. :)

My cars have been getting better since then, and so have my mechanical skills. XD