My Town Is Full of morons

Sorry to hear your bad luck, but at least you didn't get hurt and the cuda is going to be all right by the sounds of it. You don't have a lock on moron drivers, we have our fair share to. I swear my wife's car has a big bullseye on it. Last week I was driving along beside this young guy and he just decides to change lanes whether I'm there or not. I was lucky and just happened to be looking in his general direction and stood on the brakes. As Maxwell Smart used to say, "He missed me by that much". It just so happened we were going to the same place. The little coward wouldn't even get out of his car until I left. Then again, I'm not the smallest guy in the world. LOL I will be going back there this week, I wonder what my friend on the counter is going to tell me. hehe
