Heeeeeere's GOLDIE!!!!!

FINALLY some pics to share. I've been a member here for many months, and received lots of help, sorry to be so late getting pics up. So this is Goldie, 65 273 2v auto, fact a/c. Not an S..13" wheels give that away. Fenders replaced by prev owner. Have a front sway bar tho. Here's the story: a friend used to razz me about my 67 Fury "old man's car." He spotted this 65 cuda for sale in his neighborhood. As soon as I drove it, I wanted it. I tend to feel sorry for mopars when they're starting to have rust and other issues. So I decided to 'save' Goldie. Replaced radiator, did brakework....he seemed to run better and better the more I drove. Thennnnnnnn.....BAM! I rearended this indecisive dumdum in an Acura. Oh I was so pi**ed! But things turned around IMMEDIATELY...a member here had a hood, fenders, grille, etc., built a crate and shipped 'em to me. I found a good bodyshop....fast-forward to today, Goldie looks pretty good. Still have a long to do list. Thanks again to all the great people on here! P.S. I tinted the rear window with 'platinum plus;' I was surprised how well it blends with the whole look, an keeps the interior cooler.


