My Town Is Full of morons

You don't even have to be on the road to get a vehicle smashed.My sister's Dodge van was parked at the
side of the restaurant where she works.A lady was coming into town,where the road curves by the restaurant,
who was carelessly speeding and ended up losing control,hitting my sister's van.It's a good thing the van
was parked at the side of the restaurant because the car would of smashed into the restaurant,right
where the customers where sitting.Both vehicles were wrote off.I am amazed the lady actually
survived the crash after the way the car looked .No one else was hurt,thank god.

Some people are just in to big of a hurry now a days and don't think of the consequences.I especially hate
these people who insist on tailgating me,drives me nuts.They must of got their license out of a bubble gum
machine.I think maybe i will go out and buy a huge amount of bubble wrap to put around my vehicles,but
that probably won't help either.
Glad to here there was no damage on your barracuda,mey6t6