Hoard or sell ?

I can really relate. I had 12 A-body mopars in my yard. 12!!!!!! I live right in the city. It looked totally out of hand. All but 2 were barracuda's. And I had a 20'x12' garage. Filled to the top with nothing but barracuda parts and motors and trannies. One day I just realized that If I ever had to move I would be totally screwed. So I got rid of everything I thought I would not have to have around. Mainly what was not barracuda stuff. So off with the '66 dart GT 318/4speed, 8 3/4 car. Then off with the '74 duster 318/4speed 8 1/4 car. And off with the ton of motors and parts that were not for any of my barracuda's. I was so depressed about a week later about getting rid of the cars. And I've really regretted it ever since. Especially now. I would do almost anything to get those 2 dodges back. Not to mention all of the really hard to get motors. [340's,360's ect.] I also ended up getting rid of every single one of the barracuda's. Over the next couple of years. Because I had to move. Imagine that!!! The moral of this little story is plain and simple. If I would have had the space to keep these cars, I would have NEVER got rid of them. And I would not be KICKING myself everytime I think about the one wall that had 7 A-body 8 3/4's sitting against it. Or the wall covered with commando valve covers and air cleaners. The other corner with 4 speed trans. everywhere. And on and on and on. IT SUCKS!!!!! I dont own a single extra part that I would ever want on my car. I'm buying everything all over again. And now EVERYTHING costs about 10 times as much as back in the 80's. Not to mention WAY harder to find. I hope this helps. I did not tell you about any of the barracuda's because if I think about those I get real depressed.