Hoard or sell ?

Nice to know I am among people who understand. That is what makes this site great is seeing that there are others like me who like A bodies.

Let me tell you, the vast majority of people around here do not and they think of them as "some old car".

The one point that I thought was funny was the one about , "do you think you would prefer to have one really nice car instead of four or five incomplete ones? I do not have to think long to answer that question!

I would sell all but the two Dart sports, finish the one nice one then evaluate what you want to do next.


The sad fact that I had to really ponder that only indicates the sickness that I suffer from. Normal people would say something like of course I want one decent car.

Why have one when you can have six???? Yeah baby, that's the ticket.

Keeping in mind that I already insure four cars, and can only drive a car for 6 months of the year.

On a serious note, I am going to go air up some tires and get them ready for pics to make a half-hearted attempt at sales.

Be back later. ROB