66 floor shift cable:front or back??

I don't like to see solid cars torn up for parts when so many parts are currently available. I also don't like to see rusted out derelicts rot away ruining good parts that people need to ressurect their projects. It is a complicated matter, and there are people who are too lazy to do the work. They'll cherry pick the easy good stuff, and crush things that people need because they are too lazy to do what is right. All it takes is a little networking to get the parts into the right hands. For example...I know a fellow who has several '66-'70whatever floorshift console pieces. I haven't said hello to this guy in awhile, so I'll check out what he has. He may be able to set you up pretty well. I do know he'll give me the "buddy" price. We'll see.
I know a fellow who bought a car from Dart4forte, and he has nothing but good things to say about him...maybe he'll help.
Thanks for any help Outsider!