Please Help!

Thanks guys, I actually got lucky and a friend of a friend who's heavy into mountain biking took one look at my snapped cable and figured it out. Apparently high end mountain bikes come with some pretty beefy, high strength rear brake cables. Luckily I hadn't removed the entire throttle cable assembly, just the wire that ran through the middle. I was able to run some of this fancy stainless steel cable through the original sleeve and rig it to my pedal and carb.

Took a couple of days to adjust the length to where its right, and its still not perfect, but I can drive it again.

Thanks for the offer and the advice RedFish, I'm going to see how this plays out for another week, and if it doesn't hold well enough to be permanent, I might have to buy and ship that throttle cable from you.

Again, thanks for all the help guys, I knew I loved my Dart, but didn't realize how much until I could drive her for a couple days. Hopefully I wont have to go through that again.

It was kinda traumatic. =]