Too much cam?

Not to much cam anymore.

I pulled the timing cover off and degreed the cam. Originally I installed it with the crank gear on the 4 degrees advance keyway. Changed it to straight up.

Vacuum dropped from 15 lbs in neutral to 13.5, idle from 10.5 to 9.5. Messed with the initial timing from 14 to 20 degrees. After road testing, I settled on 19 degrees. Runs great now, but I think I need to up the jets a couple of sizes; the plugs look a bit lean. I also ended up turning in the idle mixture screws about 3/4's of a turn on each side to get the highest vacuum reading.

I've left the vacuum advance disconnected. Connected to manifold vacuum, it kicks in and raises the idle. I did manage to adjust it enough (used a Mighty vac thingie) to avoid it, but isn't that counter productive meaning that manifold vac drops on acceleration? Another thing I am not sure of, but at the timed vacuum port, at idle I'm getting 10 lbs; shouldn't it be 0?

I should just leave well enough alone but I have 5 days of vacation left...