'70's life

Boy, today really DOES suck. That pisses me off. We (as in me and my friends) can't do ANYTHING today. You get caught with some BoulderChron and the entire society (cops, parents, relatives, school) rips you a new A--hole. Not to mention in school you can't even mention physically harming someone (such as freshman) or pull a SINGLE harmless prank or you get your *** suspended for a couple days AT LEAST. Oh, and I can't forget that being an "over-achiever" is all the rage these days. This type of crap makes me almost want to leave the country; I can't imagine how boring it's going to be for my kids. It's basically like the American public in general has become too stupid and f'd up in the head to trust anybody to have any freedom any more. Now all of this right-wing ranting that's so prevalent on FABO is starting to make sense... =D>

Its the teens of the 70's that are todays law makers bogarding our freedom! :P